25C Homeowner Tax Credit

Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit

Changes to the former Nonbusiness Energy Property credit, now renamed the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, will take effect on January 1, 2023.

The old credit was worth 10% of the costs of installing insulation, windows, doors, roofing, and other energy-saving improvements. The old $500 lifetime limit still applies for all Improvements done in 2022.

From 2023, a $1,200 annual tax credit limit will replace the old $500 lifetime limit. The tax credit will be equal to 30% of the costs for all eligible home improvements made during the year. Spray Foam Insulation is a major part of these improvements. What’s more, typically when an attic is sprayed the energy savings can be as high as 30% What magnifies this is the current cost of energy, home heating fuel and propane are double from the same time last year.


25C Homeowner Tax Credit

The Inflation Reduction Act has made a retroactive $500.00 tax credit for any qualifying work performed in 2022.

Enhanced 25C begins January 1st2023

Annual Limit of 30% of costs capped at $1,200.00 per year. Homeowners can utilize the credit EVERY year for 10 years.